
The Great Room不是一般的共享工作空間,由高級酒店大堂為設計主題的闊大舒適公共空間開始,至設計簡約形格的會議室,以及有落地大玻璃的辦公室都予人時尚舒適感。

多種為成員打破工作壓力的活動,如Monday breakfast club, 每週社交網絡。 如這日落時刻的Great Thirstday Sunsets and Sangrias活動,在醉人日落與自製Sangrias中,與不同領域人仕交流,參與有趣鼠年小遊戲,分享新年大計。

令一眾成員只需轉身離開工作枱,便可立即投入有趣社交活動,在設計感重的空間中忘記工作壓力,叉滿電後又可繼續發揮工作效率。 . A co-working space is not just an office desk for finish your job. The Great Room enrich the way you work by their hospitality-inspired design. And great design attract a like-minded community.

Every member contributes to an environment that is open, inspiring and dynamic.

The weekly activities like “Monday Breakfast Club” and “Weekly Social Networking” help to kick away working pressure, the “Great Thirstday Sunsets and Sangrias” provide a great moment to take a break with tailor-made sangrias and enjoy the jazz plus wonderful Sunset view.

Meeting new people and sharing the new year plan. Work life balance is just that easy in The Great Room!
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